WMIL are one of the world’s most experienced leaders in island restoration and invasive species eradication methodology, having successfully eradicated mice, rats, rabbits, hares, feral cats, and goats from over 30 islands across the globe.
WMIL complete feasibility assessments, predator-proof fences, implementation of eradication operations, biosecurity, and monitoring species recovery. WMIL works closely with local agency staff and/or volunteers and resident communities to build capacity in the region. Where eradication is not feasible, WMIL have utilised a range of invasive species control options for a range of conservation projects.
Currently WMIL is providing technical advice for the LIFERaft project (ferret and rat eradication) in Northern Island and undertaking predator-proof fence projects in the Caribbean and Channel Islands, and planning island restoration projects (rat eradication) in the Caribbean.
Elizabeth (Biz) Bell