Predator Free New Zealand aims to eradicate rats (Rattus spp.), possums (Trichosurus vulpecula), and mustelids (tori hura/ferrets Mustela furo, tori uaroa/weasels Mustela nivalis, and toriura/stoats Mustela erminea) by 2050.
Wellington’s Miramar Peninsula has been successfully cleared of possums and in 2019 Predator Free Wellington, with the support of WMIL, successfully eradicated mustelids and Norway rats. The project is now intensively targeting the kiore/ship rat population and dealing with any incursions of mustelids or Norway rats, as well as moving into the next phases across wider Wellington city areas.
Since the start of the project, native and endemic bird life has increased in number and distribution much to the enjoyment of the Miramar community. WMIL now serve as technical advisors to this project.
Te Upoko o te Ika / New Zealand
Te Motu Kairangi/Miramar Peninsula
Elizabeth (Biz) Bell, Lydia Titterton, Edward Marshall